Intelligent Information Systems Group
The aims of the Research group on Intelligent Information Systems (IIS) are to promote excellence in research, encourage research collaboration, seek and improve opportunities for funding, contribute to the establishment of research-enriched learning environment and attract graduate students.
Research interests include but are not limited to: adaptive systems, distributed systems, human cognition, human-computer interaction, information retrieval and filtering, intelligent agents, knowledge representation, knowledge systems, learning and aiding environments, ontology engineering, semantic Web, social networking.
Our current most active areas are intelligent support for Web information management, knowledge networks and management, social networks, semantic web, digital libraries, personalization/ adaptivity, and Web-based learning systems.
The work of the IIS research group is supported by funding from the NSF NSDL, CCLI, and IUSE Programs, NSF HBCU-UP, WSSU RIP, and the NASA NC Space Grant.