Publications: Ontologies and Semantic Web for E-Learning

Dhillon G., Dicheva D. (2012) On Some Experience of Integrating Social and Semantic Web Functionality in CMS. In Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering IKE’12, July 16-19, 2012, USA.

Johnsen L., Dicheva D., Dichev C. (2011) Visualizing and Presenting Story Maps in TM4Book. In: Software, Services and Semantic Technologies, Springer, AICS 101, 53-58.

Dicheva D., Dichev C., Damova M. (2011) Ontological Support for Creative Writing. The 24th International FLAIRS Conference, Palm Beach, FL, May 18-20, 2011, 576-578.

Sosnovsky, S., Dicheva, D. (2010) Ontological Technologies for User Modeling, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 5(1), 2010, 32-71.

Koychev, I., Dicheva, D., Nikolov, R. (2010) SmartBook: Semantics Inside, Serdica Computing Journal, 2010.

Dicheva D., Dichev C. (2010) Finding Resources and Collaborators within Digital Collections, In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 08/31-09/03, 2010, Toronto, Canada, 2010, 631-638 (acceptance rate for regular papers 16.6%)

Dicheva D., Dichev C, Drayton R. (2010) Search and Exploration in LinkedCourse. The 23rd International FLAIRS Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, May 18-22, 2010.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C. (2009) Authoring and Exploring Learning Content: Share Content by Sharing Concepts, In Dicheva, D., Mizoguchi, R. Greer, J. (Eds.) “Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning”, IOS Press, The Netherlands, 24-43.

Zhu, Y. , Dicheva, D., Dichev, C. and Moran, M. (2009). Connecting and Sharing Open-Content Learning Resources, 1st International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies S3T’09, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 28-29, 2009, 68-75.

Dichev, C., Xu, J., Dicheva, D., Zhang, J. (2009) Measuring Similarity of Interests for Clustering Taggers and Resources, International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking (IJVCSN), 1(3), 2009, 1-20.

Koper, R., Stefanov, K., Dicheva, D. (2009) Stimulating Personal Development and Knowledge Sharing. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-long Learning (IJCEELL), Vol. 19, No. 4/5, 2009, pp. 271-275, Editorial, Special Issue, Guest Editors.

Koychev, I., Nikolov, R., Dicheva, D. (2009) SmartBook: The New Generation e-Book. 2nd Workshop on Research Advances in Large Digital Book Collections (BooksOnline'09) at the 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries, Sep 27 Oct 2, 2009, Corfu, Greece.

Bittencourt, I., Costa, E., Braz. B., Dicheva, D. (2009) Supporting Interoperability between Web-based Educational Systems, 39th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, San Antonio, Texas, October 18 - 21, 2009.

Koychev, I., Nikolov, R., Dicheva, D. (2009). SmartBook: the New Generation E-book Meets University 2.0, International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies S3T’09, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 28-29, 2009, 60-67.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C., Zhu, Yi (2009). Sharing Open-Content Learning Resources in Emerging Disciplines. Seventh Int’l Workshop on Ontologies and Social Semantic Web for E-Learning, in conjunction with Int. Conf. on AI in Education AIED’09, Brighton, UK, July 6-10, 2009, 23-30.

Koychev, I., Nikolov, R., Dicheva, D. (2009) SMARTBOOK - The Future E-Book and Educational Hypermedia, Proceedings of the Conference "Education in Information Society", May, 11-12, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, (Barnev, P., Editor), Sofia: ADIS & IMI-BAS, p.30-37, ISBN 978-954-8986-30-4.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C. (2008). Ontological Support for Learning Content Management. Scientia Journal, Special Issue of Semantic Web for Educational Systems, 19(2), 2008, 68-76.

Xu, J., Dichev, C., Esterline, A., Dicheva, D., Zhang, J. (2009) On the Effectiveness of Collaborative Tagging Systems for Describing Resources, World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE 2009), March 31 - April 2, 2009, Los Angeles/Anaheim, USA.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C., and Valtchev, P. (2008) Integrating Metadata Harvesting with Semantic Search, IEEE/WIC/ACM Int’l Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Dec 9-12, 2008, Sydney, Australia (19% acceptance rate).

Dichev, C., Xu, J., Dicheva, D., Zhang, J. (2008) A Study on Community Formation in Collaborative Tagging Systems, 2nd Workshop on Collective Intelligence in Semantic Web and Social Networks (CISWSN 2008), IEEE/WIC/ACM Int’l Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Dec 9-12, 2008, Sydney, Australia.

Johnsen, L., Dicheva, D. (2008). From Connexions Content to Content Connexions: Organizing Open Learning Resources with Topic Maps and XSLT, Fourth Int’l Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications TMRA’08, Leipzig, Germany, October 15-17, 2008.

Dicheva, D. (2008) Ontologies and Semantic Web for e-Learning. In Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 47-65.

Dichev, C., Dicheva, D., Ditcheva, B., Moran, M. (2008) Translation between RDF and Topic Maps: Divide and Translate, Balisage: The Markup Conference, August 12 15, 2008, Montréal, Canada.

Dicheva, D., Johnsen, L. (2008). Connecting Connexions: Organizing and Integrating Open Learning Content with Topic Maps, Sixth Int’l Workshop on Ontologies and Semantic Web for E-Learning, in conjunction with Int. Conf. on Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS’08, Montreal, Canada, June 23-27, 2008, 55-60.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, Ch., Brown, C., Veetil, D., Thomas, W. (2008). Easy Creation of Semantics-Enhanced Digital Artwork Collections, International Conference on Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, July 1-4, 2008, Varna, Bulgaria, 92-98.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C. (2007). Authors Support in the TM4L Environment, Intl. Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge" Vol.1 / 2007, 215-219.

Dicheva D., Aroyo L. (2006). An Approach to Interoperability of Ontology-based Educational Repositories. Intl. J. Cont. Engineering Education and Life-long Learning, 16(1/2), 92-109.

Dicheva, D. (2007). Topic Maps Based Digital Artworks Collections, Workshop on Cultural Heritage on the Semantic Web, 6th Intl. Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2007, November 11-15, 2007, Busan, Korea.

McDonald, J., Dicheva, D. (2007). Mobile Topic Maps for e-Learning, Intl Workshop on Ontologies and Semantic Web for e-Learning,13th Int. Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AI-ED 2007, July 9-13, 2007, LA, California, 65-73.

Dicheva D., Dichev C., (2007). Helping Courseware Authors to Build Ontologies: the Case of TM4L, 13th Int. Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AI-ED 2007, July 9-13, 2007, LA, California, 77-84.

Ditcheva, B., Dicheva, D. (2007). Visual Browsing and Editing of Topic Map-Based Learning Repositories), In: Maicher, L. Sigel, A., Garshol, LM (Eds) Proc. Of Int. Conf. on Topic Maps Research and Applications (TMRA’06): Leveraging the Semantics of Topic Maps, October 10-12, 2006, Leipzig, Germany, Springer LNAI 4438, 44-55.

Dichev C. , Dicheva D., Fisher, J. (2007). Identity: How to Name It, How to Find It, Workshop on I3: Identity, Identifiers, Identification, 16th Int. Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2007, May 8-12, 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Wang, D., Dicheva, D., Dichev, C., Akouala, J. (2007) Retrieving Information in Topic Maps: the Case of TM4L, 45th ACM Southeast Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, March 23-24, 2007, 88-93.

Roberson, S., Dicheva, D. (2007) Semi-Automatic Ontology Extraction to Create Draft Topic Maps, 45th ACM Southeast Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, March 23-24, 2007, 100-105.

Dichev C. , Dicheva D. (2006). View-Based Semantic Search and Browsing, 2006 IEEE/ACM International Conf. on Web Intelligence (WI’06), December 18-22, 2006, Hong-Kong, China, IEEE Computer Society Press (acceptance rate 18%).

Dicheva, D. & Dichev, C. (2006). TM4L: Creating and Browsing Educational Topic Maps, British Journal of Educational Technology - BJET, 37(3), 391-404.

Dichev C. , Dicheva D. (2006). Using Contexts to Personalize Educational Topic Maps, International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH2006), June 21-23, 2006, Dublin, Ireland.

Dichev C., Dicheva D. (2006). Context-based Search in Topic-centered Digital Repositories, 3rd International Semantic Web User Interaction Workshop (SWUI06), collocated with 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC’06), November 6th, 2005, Athens, GA.

Dichev C. , Dicheva D., Fisher, J. (2006). Contextual Retrieval of Digital Content in Topic Maps, Workshop on Modeling and Retrieval of Context, 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2006, July 16-18, 2006, Boston, MA, 16-22.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C. (2006). Confronting Some Ontology-building Problems in Educational Topic Map Authoring, Weibelzahl, S. & Cristea, A. (Eds), Proc. of the Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web in E-Learning (SW-EL@AH’06), in conjunction with AH2006, June 21-23, 2006, Dublin, Ireland, 55-64.

Hooben, G, Aroyo, L., & Dicheva, D. (2006). Engineering Adaptive Concept-Based Systems for the Web, In Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government, and Mobile Commerce, Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed), Idea Group Inc, PA: Hershey, 424-430.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C. (2006). Authors’ Support in the TM4L Environment, Int. Conf. on Modern e-Learning (MeL’06), July 1-5, 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, 129-134.

Nordeng, T.W., Dicheva, D., Garshol, L.M., Rønningsbakk, L., Lavik, S., Meløy, J.R. (2005). Using Topic Maps for integrating ePortfolio with eCurriculum, Int. Conf. ePortfolio 2005, October 27-28, 2005, Cambridge UK.

Dichev C. , Dicheva D. (2005). Contexts as Abstraction of Grouping, Workshop on Contexts and Ontologies, 12th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2005, July 9-13, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 49-56.

Dicheva D., Dichev C. (2005). Authoring Educational Topic Maps: Can We Make It Easier? 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2005, July 5-8, 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 216-219.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C., Wang. D. (2005). Visualizing Topic Maps For E-Learning, Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web in E-Learning ( SW-EL@ICALT’05), in conjunction with 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2005, July 5-8, 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 950-951.

Dichev C., Dicheva D. (2005). Contexts as Collection of Alternatives, Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web in E-Learning (SW-EL@K-CAP’05), in conjunction with 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Capture, K-CAP’05, October 2, 2005, Banff, Canada, 53-58.

Dichev C., Dicheva D. (2005). Contexts in Educational Topic Maps, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AI-ED 2005, July 18-22, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 789-791.

Dicheva D., C. Dichev, C., Wang, D., & Zhu Y. (2005). Editing and Exploring Topic Map-based E-Learning Repositories, In Proc of 9th IASTED Int. Conf. Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 15-17, 2005, 139-144.

Dicheva D., Dichev C. (2005). Authoring Educational Topic Maps: Can We Make It Easier? 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2005, July 5-8, 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 216-219.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C., Wang. D. (2005). Visualizing Topic Maps For E-Learning, Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web in E-Learning (SW-EL@ICALT’05), in conjunction with 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2005, July 5-8, 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 950-951.

Dicheva, D., Sosnovsky, S., Gavrilova, T., Brusilovsky, P. (2005). Ontological Web Portal for Educational Ontologies. Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web in E-Learning (SW-EL@AI-ED’05), in conjunction with 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AI-ED 2005, July 18-22, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Hooben, G, Aroyo, L., de Bra, P., & Dicheva, D. (2005). Adaptation Engineering in Adaptive Concept-based Systems, In “Adaptable and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems”, Sherry Chen and George Magoulas (Eds), IRM Press, 36-58.

Dicheva D., Aroyo L. (2004). A pragmatic Approach to Support Concept-based Educational Information Systems Communication, Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning (SW-EL@ISWC’04), in conjunction with 3rd International Semantic Web Conference, November 7-11, 2004, Hiroshima, Japan, 25-32.

Dicheva D., Dichev C. (2004). Educational Topic Maps, 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC’2004) Poster Abstracts, November 7-11, 2004, Hiroshima, Japan, pp. 19-20.

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C. (2004). A Framework for Concept-Based Digital Course Libraries, J. of Interactive Learning Research - JIRL, Special issue on Computational Intelligence In Web-Based Education, A.V. Vasilakos, V. Devedzic, Kinshuk (Eds), 15(4), 2004, 347-364.

Aroyo, L., Dicheva, D. (2004). The New Challenges for E-learning: The Educational Semantic Web, J. Educational Technology & Society, 7 (4), 59-69.

Dichev C., Dicheva D., & Aroyo L. (2004). Using Topic Maps for Web-based Education, Int. J. of Advanced Technology for Learning, 1(1), 2004, 1-7.

Dicheva D., Dichev C. (2004). Educational Topic Maps, 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC'2004) Poster Abstracts, November 7-11, 2004, Hiroshima, Japan, 19-20.

Dicheva D., Dichev C., Sun, Y., & Nao, S. (2004). Authoring Topic Maps-based Digital Course Libraries, Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for Adaptive Educational Hypermedia ( SW-EL@AH'04), in conjunction with AH 2004, August 23-26, 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 331-337.

Dicheva D., Dichev C., Sun, Y., & Nao, S. (2004). A Topic Map Authoring Tool for E-Learning, Proceedings of ADMI 2004, May 20-22, 2004, Orlando, Florida, 62-67.

Dicheva D., Aroyo L. (2004). General Architecture Supporting Component-based EIS Interoperability, Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning (SW-EL@ITS’04), in conjunction with ITS 2004, 30 August-03 September, 2004, Maceió, Brazil, pp. 21-28.

Aroyo L., Dicheva D. (2004). Authoring Support in Concept-based Web Information Systems for Educational Applications. Int. J. Cont. Engineering Education and Life-long Learning, Vol. 14, No. 3, 297-312.

Dicheva D., Dichev C. (2004). Creating Topic Maps for E-Learning, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Programming (ICTP’04), Varna, Bulgaria, June 24-26, 2004, pp. 104-112.

Dicheva, D., Aroyo, L., Cristea, A. (2003). Cooperative Courseware-Authoring Support. International Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2003, pp. 179-187.

Dichev,C., Dicheva, D. (2003). Reusable and Shareable Digital Course Libraries. Fifth International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC03), October 1 - 4, 2003, Timisoara, Romania, 27-38 (invited paper).

Dicheva, D., Dichev, C. (2003). Building and Using Open Web-Based Course Libraries. Twelfth International Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN 2003), Canakkale, Turkey, July 02 - 04, 2003, 349-357.

Dichev,C., Dicheva, D., Aroyo, L. (2003). Using Topic Maps for E-Learning. Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2003), June 30 - July 2, 2003, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 26-31.

Aroyo L., Dicheva D. (2002). Authoring Framework for Concept-based Web Information Systems. Workshop on Concepts and Ontologies in Web-based Educational Systems, ICCE'2002, Auckland, New Zealand, 2002, pp. 41-48.

Aroyo L., Dicheva D. (2002). Concept and Ontologies in Web-based Educational Systems. Workshop on Concepts and Ontologies in Web-based Educational Systems, ICCE'2002, Auckland, New Zealand, 2002, Editorial, pp. 3-4.

Aroyo L., Dicheva D., Cristea, A. (2002). Ontological Support for Web Courseware Authoring. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2002), Biarritz, France, June 5-8, 2002, pp. 270-280.

Dicheva, D., Aroyo, L., Cristea, A. (2002). Collaborative Concept-based Courseware Authoring Support. Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2002), May 20-22, 2002, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 52-57.

Dichev Ch., Dicheva D. (2002). "Interesting" as a Category in Information Retrieval. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'02), Las Vegas, USA, June 24-27, 2002, pp. 833-839.

Aroyo L., Cristea, A., Dicheva D. (2002). A Layered Approach towards Domain Authoring Support. Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'02), Las Vegas, USA, June 24-27, 2002, pp. 615-621.

Dicheva, D., Aroyo, L. (2002). Concept-based Courseware Authoring: An Engineering Perspective. Second IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Kazan, Russia, September 9-12, 2002, pp. 46-49.

Aroyo, L. and Dicheva, D. (2002). Courseware Authoring Tasks Ontology. International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2002, 3-6 December 2002, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1319-1321.

Aroyo L., Dicheva D., Velev I. (2001). A Concept-Based Approach to Support Learning in a Web-based Course Environment. J. Moore, C.L. Redfield, W.L. Johnson (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Education, Amsterdam: IOS Press, Frontiers of AI and Applications, Vol. 68, pp. 1-10. Aroyo L., Dicheva D. (2001). AIMS: Learning and Teaching Support for WWW-based Education. 16th IFIP World Computer Congress, ICEUT 2000, Beijing, China, August 21-25, 2000.

Aroyo L., Dicheva D. (2001). Informational Support for Learners and Teachers in Web-Based Education. Ruokamo, Nykanen, O., Pohjolainen, S., and Hietala, P. (Eds) 10th International PEG Conference (PEG'2001), Tampere, Finland, pp. 23-29.

Dichev Ch., Dicheva D. (2001). Deriving Context Specific Information on the Web. World Conference on the WWW and Internet, WebNet'2001, October 23-27, 2001, Orlando, Florida, pp. 296-301.

Dichev Ch., Dicheva D., Radenski A. (2001). A Framework for Dynamic Topic Clustering on the Web. International Conference on Internet Computing, IC'2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp. 983-989.

Aroyo L., Dicheva D. (2000). Domain and User Knowledge in a Web-based Courseware Engineering Course. T. Hruska, M. and Hashimoto (Eds.) Knowledge-Based Software Engineering, Amsterdam: IOS Press, Frontiers in AI and Applications, Vol. 62, pp. 293-300.

Dicheva D., Aroyo L. (2000). An Approach to Intelligent Information Handling in Web-Based Learning Environments. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI'2000, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp. 1327-1333.

Aroyo, L., Dicheva, D., & Velev, I. (2000). Conceptual visualisation in a task-based information support system, In J. Bourdeau & R. Heller (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia 2000 Conference Charlottesville, VA: AACE, pp. 125-130.

Aroyo L., Dicheva D. (1999). Information Retrieval and Visualisation within the Context of an Agent-based Information Management System. In: Collis B., Oliver R. (Eds.) Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 99, Seattle, Washington, pp. 195-200.